Greg Va'afusuaga, Kaiwhakahaere/Director
Greg was appointed as Director in July 2021 having served in senior management roles in the manufacturing and non government community sectors. Greg was an original Trustee for the Manaiakalani Education Trust and formerly on the Board of Trustees at Point England Primary School. He is an Elder at Tamaki Community Church and is passionate to see people in the community grow and fulfil their potential. He currently is the chaplain of the local College 1st XV team.
Sirikit Diaz, Kaitautoko Mahi
Sirikit works with families in the community providing them with mentoring, advocacy and life skills support. Sirikit is a co-facilitator of "Building Awesome Whanau" parenting programme. She has been involved in student crisis support & supporting families to attend the Power Up Program, family group conferences where she is a voice for the families and meetings with teachers, principals, RTLB's, doctors and other professionals working with and around the families.
Sirikit has a Bachelor's degree in Social Work.
Roxanne Adams, Kaiatawhai / Kaimahi-ā-iwi, Iwi Social Worker
Roxanne has served her community for almost 15 years. She uses her life and work experience to bring out the best in others through whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and wairuatanga. Her qualifications, “Bachelor of Bicultural social work degree and Postgraduate Diploma in Bicultural professional Supervision” have provided a practice that is built on Māori models, aroha, kotahitanga, mana enhancing and strengths-based practices. This ensures whānau voices are heard and the work is focused on the goals they want to achieve.
Roxanne is heavily involved in netball and umpire coaching, collaborating with organisations and schools to facilitate children and whānau programs. She professionally advocates for whānau in various ways to meet majority of their needs.
Roxanne has a ngākau aroha (loving heart) for her community and no matter what they have been through she believes there is always hope. She desires to build rangatira in her community through aroha and when we nurture the whānau through positive engagement and outcomes, we all win.
“Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai - Nurture the seed & it will blossom”
Dina Guirguis, Whanau Wellbeing Social Worker
Dina works alongside tamariki (0-12) and their whanau towards utilising their strengths and achieving their goals. This work is done through liaison with schools and other appropriate support services in the community of Pt England, Glen Innes and Panmure. Dina’s background is in Secondary School Teaching and Social Work. She holds a Masters degree in Social Work and a Bachelors degree in Sociology and has many years of experience in both teaching and social work. For the last 11 years, Dina worked with tamariki and their whanau as a Residential Social Worker then as a Social Worker in Schools.
Haare Burke, Social Worker
Haare Burke has worked within the Tamaki area for 9 years in various roles. She has engaged with the Point England and Glen Innes community. She has experience in facilitating and leading such as; kid and family camps, community outreaches and events within the Tamaki area. Haare has coached and managed various sports teams and has great relationships and strong engagements across the wider Tāmaki area.
Haare, is a newly qualified Bi-cultural social work practitioner who has a great passion in implementing positive change within Whānau & Tāmariki. Haare has a great passion to see Whanau excel and be their own navigators within their own life journey.
Haare has a great passion in indigenous creative arts that provides a platform of storytelling which allows a deep connection to her origins and roots of today,” He kai kei aku ringa, There is food at the end of my hands”.
Chris Hiko Youth mentor
Chris joins us in the youth mentor role with 5 years of experience in
youth work. Chris has lived and breathed Glen Innes all his life and is
very passionate about bringing the best out of his wider community.
Is heavily involved in the community and is currently the head coach
of the local College 1 st XV team. Chris has completed a diploma in
teaching and has a counselling degree from Laidlaw Bible College. He is very passionate about his community and enjoys working with youth and families. It is his goal to return and give back to the village that has helped nurture him.
Talita Va'afusuaga Office Administrator
Talita works in the joint role as the office administrator for Tamaki Community Development Trust and Tamaki Community Church. Talita has lived in Glen Innes her whole life and loves her community. She also has been a youth leader at Tamaki Community Church for the past 3 years.
Geoff Sturt, Secretary
Geoff is a long serving member of the Tamaki Community Development Trust. He is the owner and operator of Sturt Landscaping, and employs local staff in his business. Geoff also coaches local youth sports teams and has experience in Counselling. Geoff was born in Papua New Guinea and lived there for a number of years. He has always had a heart for working with the community in need.
Graeme Clarke, Trustee
Graeme has served in the teaching profession and is also a long serving Elder of the Church - where he and his wife Jenny take an active role in serving the people of this community.
The Board of Trustees
Russell Burt, Chairman
Russell is one of the co-founders of the Tamaki Community Development Trust. Principal of Pt England Primary School, experienced in overseas education to the third world, he currently operates a number of youth programmes for local children. Russell has a passion for children and families in the Tamaki community to experience their true potential. Russell and his wife Dorothy are the champions of the Manaiakalani initiative which implements student practice using media and technologies of e-learning.
Anne-Marie Isles, Trustee
Annemarie has a medical background and is presently working in community health with people who have suffered from spinal injuries. She too has overseas experience in aid and holistic support to developing countries and has a passion for seeing families and individuals who have suffered difficulties reach their full potential through love and support of a community around them.
Joel Hamilton, Trustee
Joel joined the Board in August of 2015. Joel is a software developer and technology enthusiast and works with Youth in the Community. Joel is married to Georgie and they have 3 beautiful children.